Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Dealing with Set Backs

How you handle setbacks is at least as important as how you handle success, maybe even more important when it comes to weight loss and fitness. I am not talking to you super humans with 1% body fat who easily resist those fattening food the rest of us would kill to have at some point (You people can go find another blog to read). For the rest of you I hope I can provide some encouragement.
Any successful person will tell you that what you learn in dealing with setbacks is often invaluable in helping you achieve success. After all failure only results when you don’t recognize or implement lessons learn from unsuccessful attempts. So embrace failures as carriers of knowledge, because now that you know what doesn’t work, you are that much closer to the true answer to your dilemma.
How does this apply to your weight loss or fitness problem? Well first understand that setbacks are normal and normal people do extraordinary things every day. You only need to stay close to your support system whatever that may be. Take the contestants on the T.V. show The Biggest Loser. The show pits average people who are exceptionally over weight against each other. And they all achieve remarkable weight loss not because they are capable of doing something that you can’t. It’s because they are given top notch trainers, live in a training facility, given meals and diet advice, exercise for hours every day and have a financial incentive to achieve. These people are not just close to their support system, they are immersed in it. You can’t duplicate what they have so you are probably are not going to achieve their level of success. But you can have success never the less. Recognize your success factors which you learn in some cases through setbacks. What might these success factors be? Well it might be your favorite gym, or a certain workout buddy or even a particular diet. It may even be all of the above. The point is setbacks can help you to recognize your keys to success. Your keys to success will help you set up the support system that will help you reach your final goal.